
[Brief] Medabots 9: details about the main medabots, final boxarts

Medabots 9On Monday, The Rocket Company revealed some details about the main medabots in Medabots 9: Kabuto / Kuwagata Ver., used by the protagonist in the game:

  • Zipper: a medabot focusing on shooting,. It uses a pair of gatling guns attached to its arms to attack.
  • Souen: a medabot focusing on melee attacks. It uses katana when fighting other medabots.

This is apparently the first time in four titles that the protagonist is using a new main medabot.

Here’s some artworks and screenshots for Zipper and Souen:

Finally, here’s the final boxarts for Medabots 9: Kabuto Ver. and Medabots: Kuwagata Ver. on Nintendo 3DS:

Medabot 9: Kabuto / Kuwagata Ver. (3DS) comes out on December 24th in Japan.

Source: 4Gamer.net
Via: Siliconera


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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