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[Brief] Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate: live action video, free 3DS theme in NA

Monster Hunter 4 UltimateYesterday, Nintendo of America uploaded a special video for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on its YouTube channel. It’s a live action video made by AndrewMFilms, which shows one kid getting warped to the world of Monster Hunter, and his friends go and help him.

Here’s the video:

But that’s not all: to celebrate Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate shipments passing 4 million worldwide, Capcom made the Palicoe 4 Ever theme free to all Nintendo 3DS players in Europe, last month. It turns out North America is getting a similar offer, but for the Weapon Gallery theme instead. Obviously, it’s only available for a limited time, so make sure to get it as soon as possible!

Here’s the preview video for the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate: Weapon Gallery theme:

Source: Reddit


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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