
The Escapists 2: new map revealed (Rattlesnake Springs)

The Escapists 2 is a “sequel” to the The Escapists, a game where you get to play as an inmate that has to escape from prison. For the first time in the series, it will be playable in multiplayer (with drop in/drop out play), which explains why Nintendo tried to get it on the Nintendo Switch in the first place (what with the focus on multiplayer, especially local).

To escape, you have to work around the (strict) prison schedule, avoid getting caught by the guards, and more. To escape, you need to craft various weapons and tools, using whatever you can find/steal within the prison. You can also perform “favours” for your fellow inmates (such as providing them with vital supplies), while scouting escape routes.

This week, the developers shared a brand new trailer for the game, that reveals a new western themed map: Rattlesnake Springs.

Here’s the trailer and some screenshots for the Rattlesnake Springs:

And here’s everything that’s new in The Escapists 2:

  • Multiplayer – In a first for the series, The Escapists 2 offers drop-in/drop-out play offering both split screen and online play for up to four players in both co-op and versus modes
  • New ways to escape – Tie together knotted sheets and use them to climb down high windows in our new multi-level prisons and other new ways to make a break for freedom!
  • New items to craft – Build yourself a homemade taser to knock out guards plus many more!
  • New combat system – A completely revamped combat system featuring new lock-on targeting and blocking systems plus light and heavy attacks
  • New graphical style – A brand new look immerses players in a deeper, richer world while maintaining that unique The Escapists style
  • More character customisation – New customisation options let players tweak their avatar to a whole new level. Go bald! Sport a mullet! The choice is yours
  • More things to do – Join a band! Learn to paint! The Escapists 2 will offer more ways than ever to pass the time whilst incarcerated 

The Escapists 2 (Switch – eShop) will be released later this year in Europe and North America.

Source: Team17 PR


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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