
Kirby: Planet Robobot – Website update (more concept-art)


A quick update: the official website for Europe is now open! It’s pretty much a copy of the Japanese website, but in English (and various other European languages).

***Kirby Planet RobobotToday, Nintendo updated the official website for Kirby: Planet Robobot in Japan, revealing additional details and some concept-art. First, Susie show us some pictures of 4 areas in the game:

  • Plain Proptom
  • Rasterd Road
  • Octarn Ocean
  • Gigant Ground

By the way, if you take the first letter of each name, you get a special word.

Next, we have some additional concept-art, showing some of the areas planned for the game:

  • Skeleton Kanno: a rather imposing facility (which sort of looks like a giant screw) can be found there. There’s also a plain with trees inside lightbulbs, and an area with drink cans as reservoirs;
  • Mustache Ohta (most like a reference to Otha Jidosha, a (now defunct) automotive manufacturing company, which used to be one of the largest in Japan, back in the 1930s). There’s what seems to be a factory, but also a plain with massive mixers (sucking up the natural ressources), and forks as electric poles. The theme for that area was Steampunk;

Finally, there’s the very first piece of concept-art that was drawn for the game (seen at the top of this post).

Here’s the artworks and concept-art from the website:

The next update will be about the Hartman Works Company, it seems! There will be 5 of them in total.

Finally, if you’re interested in some Kirby-related activities (for yourself or your kids), make sure to check out the North American website!

Kirby: Planet Robobot (3DS) comes out on June 10th in Europe and North America.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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