Maintenance for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS scheduled for next week
Update 4
Nintendo seems to have cancelled the maintenance for the Nintendo eShop, the Wii Shop Channel and the DSi Shop.
Update 3
Nintendo announced one more maintenance period, impacting online play on both the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. You will find all the details below.
Update 2
This morning, Nintendo made another change. The upcoming “General” maintenance is now known as “Using Nintendo Network ID”.
This morning, Nintendo announced some major maintenance for next week: it will impact all online services on both the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, but also the Nintendo eShop, the Wii Shop Channel and the DSi Shop. You will find all the details below!
Earlier this week, Nintendo announced that some of the online services for Flipnote Studio 3D (and more precisely the Nintendo DSi Library) would be down for maintenance next week. As usual, Nintendo didn’t say what it was for, but it does seems to be part of the weekly Nintendo maintenance. As usual, more downtime should be announced by Monday evening!
Here’s the list of services impacted for the first period:
- Wii U: Using Nintendo Network ID
- Nintendo 3DS: Using Nintendo Network ID
This maintenance will take place on:
– Europe: October 19th (10PM) to October 20th (2AM)
– UK: October 19th (9PM) to October 20th (1AM)
– North America (EDT): October 19th (4PM to 8PM)
– North America (PDT): October 19th (1PM to 5PM)
– Japan: October 20th (5AM to 9AM)
Here’s the list of services impacted during the second period:
- Wii U: online play, leaderboards
- Nintendo 3DS: online play, leaderboards
This maintenance will take place on:
– Europe: October 19th (11PM) to October 20th (4AM)
– UK: October 19th (10PM) to October 20th (3AM)
– North America (EDT): October 19th (5PM to 10PM)
– North America (PDT): October 19th (2PM to 7PM)
– Japan: October 20th (6AM to 11AM)
Here’s the list of services impacted during the third period:
- Nintendo 3DS: Flipnote Studio 3D (Nintendo DSi Library) [only in Japan and North America]
The maintenance will take place on:
– Europe: October 20th (3AM to 6AM)
– UK: October 20th (2AM to 5AM)
– North America (EDT): October 19th (9PM) to October 20th (12AM)
– North America (PDT): October 19th (6PM to 9PM)
– Japan: October 20th (10AM to 1PM)
Here’s some maintenance for Japan-only games:
- Nintendo 3DS: Collectible Badge Center
The maintenance will take place on:
– Europe: October 20th (2AM to 3AM)
– UK: October 20th (1AM to 2AM)
– North America (EDT): October 19th (8PM) to October 20th (9PM)
– North America (PDT): October 19th (5PM to 6PM)
– Japan: October 20th (9AM to 11AM)
- Nintendo 3DS: Daigassou! Band Brothers P (onloine play, leaderboards)
The maintenance will take place on:
– Europe: October 20th (3AM to 4AM)
– UK: October 20th (2AM to 3AM)
– North America (EDT): October 19th (9PM) to October 20th (10PM)
– North America (PDT): October 19th (6PM to 7PM)
– Japan: October 20th (10AM to 11AM)
Finally, don’t forget the weekly maintenance for Devil’s Third (which will last 1 extra hour this time around):
- Wii U: Devil’s Third (online play, leaderboards)
This maintenance will take place on:
– Europe: October 20th (2AM to 6AM)
– UK: October 20th (1AM to 5AM)
– North America (EDT): October 19th (8PM to October 20th (12AM)
– North America (PDT): October 19th (5PM to 9PM)
– Japan: October 6th (9AM to 1PM)