
Nintendo Badge Arcade: Nintendo to stop adding new badges after June 22nd (NA) June 23rd (Europe)

On May 12th, Nintendo added the latest batch of badges to the Nintendo Badge Arcade in Japan. At the same time, the company also had a special announcement to make: on May 26th, the very last set of badges was to be added to the game. After that date, there hasn’t been any more updates, though of course, the app itself has not be discontinued, and you do get to keep your badges.

In fact, Nintendo will keep on cycling through the badge panels every week, and you will also get 2 free plays every day!

The reason Nintendo is not adding new badges to the Nintendo Badge Arcade anymore? They’ve reached the maximum save data size for the game, and so they cannot add any more. After all, even if you do not win them, the badges added every week stay in the game even after their panel is removed from the rotation.

Here’s when Nintendo will stop adding new badges to the Nintendo Badge Arcade worldwide (to be updated with dates for Europe and North America when they’re known):

  • Japan: May 26th, 2017 (game launched on December 17th, 2014)
  • Europe: June 23rd (game launched on November 13th, 2015)
  • North America: June 22nd (game launched on November 10th 2015)

Source: Nintendo
Thanks Joe Merrick for the heads up!


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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