
Nintendo Labo: Amazon (Japan) offering masking tape and Danbo extra parts; Nintendo Minute

Nintendo Labo was released yesterday in North America and in Japan (Europe has to wait until next week!), and today, Amazon in Japan has revealed the bonuses you can get if you order either the Variety Kit or Robot Kit on their store: some original masking tape and additional parts for both kits!

Here’s the list of bonuses:

  • original masking tape (designed after the tidbit you remove from your Amazon package to open it), for both kits;
  • Danbo (from Yotsuba&!) mask for the Robot Kit;
  • Danbo (from Yotsuba&!) character fo the Variety Kit.

Also, along with those bonuses, if you order any of the kits at Amazon, the whole thing is sent in exclusive packaging!

Here’s pictures of those bonuses:

Next, here’s the latest Nintendo Minute episode:

Hi Everyone, happy Nintendo Labo launch day!! Today we experiment a little bit with Nintendo Labo and create something fun and of course Nintendo Minute-related using the RC car from the Variety Kit. This is really the basics of what you can do with Nintendo Labo and we’re so excited to see what you guys will come up with. If you do invent something cool, we’d love to see it. Please share it with us here: As always, thank you so much for watching and we’ll see you next week!


-Kit & Krysta

Finally, here’s a couple of commercials:

Nintendo Labo (Switch) comes out on April 27th in Europe.

Source: 4Gamer


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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