3DSNintendoSalesWii U

NPD: some data for July 2016 (3DS best-selling platform, more)

Before, the NPD used to reveal new data for the American market on the second Friday of the month, but starting with June 2016, data is “delayed” until the third Friday of the month. This is due to the NPD finally integrating digital sales, though those will not include those from certain publishers and platform holders (which includes Nintendo, unfortunately).

But today, we still got some proper data, courtesy of Aquamarine (from Gamrconnect). Thanks to her hard work, we have concrete sales data for the Wii U (and other home consoles for the 8th generation).

(NB: please right click > open in new tab if text is too smal to read for you)

Once again, Wii U sales were pretty poor, with only 24 900 units sold (-45.7% Year on Year) and $7 412 000 generated (-45%), with an average sale price of $297.27. Since launch, the Wii U has only sold over 5.29 million units in the United States.

But the most “surprising” thing this month is the Nintendo 3DS, which was the best-selling platform. It even managed to beat the Xbox One, which had a great month thanks to the release of the new model. Of course, July being a (usually) slow month did help, and unfortunately, we don’t have any concrete sales data (yet?).

The best-selling platforms are:

  1. Nintendo 3DS
  2. Xbox One
  3. PlayStation 4

That being said, the great performance of the Nintendo 3DS isn’t all that surprising or unexpected, since we’ve seen similar boosts in the UK, Japan, and Italy.

That’s right: we’re talking of Pokémon GO, which had a “huge impact” on sales, with both Hardware and Software doing “very well” according to ZhugeEX/Daniel Ahmad. No doubt Monster Hunter Generations also helped, but it’s pretty clear Pokémon GO had the bigger impact.

Software-wise, Minecraft was the best-selling games (by units), but you should keep in mind that it’s for all versions combined.

Source: NPD
Additional data courtesy of Aquamarine (Post 1 / Post 2 / Post 3)


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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