Pokémon Sun and Moon: new details to be revealed later today
Last week, some new Pokémon were revealed in the latest issue of CoroCoro magazine (click here for all the details and scans). If that and the trailer/promotional video revealed a couple of days later wasn’t enough for you, you’re in luck: The Pokémon Company just announced that new details about Pokémon Sun and Moon would be revealed soon… pretty soon. Later today, in fact!
As usual, the reveal will be at:
- Europe: 3PM
- UK: 2PM
- North America (EST): 9AM
- North America (PST): 6AM
- Japan: 10PM
Based on previous reveals, we can expect a brand new trailer for the game, revealing new Pokémon and/or features, followed by an update for the official website (for artworks of said Pokémon and features).
While the other two reveals happened right at the beginning of the month, this one seems to come pretty early. It looks like The Pokémon Company has chosen to go with a less predictable and more flexible schedule for reveals, as opposed to the monthly reveals for Pokémon X and Y and Pokémon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire.
Pokémon Sun and Moon (3DS) will be released on November 18th in Japan and North America, and November 23rd in Europe.
Source: The Pokémon Company