
[Up: screens] Splatoon: new batch of artworks and screenshots, PAX East recap

Splatoon really is a colourful game, and Nintendo proves it once more with a brand new batch of artworks uploaded this morning. They show the various characters in both squid and human forms, a group shot, but also some weapons like an actual paintbrush, some sort of a bazooka, and more.

Here’s the new artworks for the game:

There’s also over 40 new screenshots for the game, showing various parts of the Hero mode (among other things):

And yesterday, Nintendo of America also uploaded a recap of Splatoon at PAX East 2015 (which took place this week-end at Boston), in which several people tell us about their experience with the game.

Here it is:

Splatoon (Wii U) comes out in May, worldwide.


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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