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Splatoon: new weapon coming in a few hours, 6th Splatfest for Japan dated

New weapon

When Nintendo detailed the first major Software update for Splatoon, in July, they made it pretty clear that new content (maps and weapons) for Splatoon would still be added to the game on a regular basis. The point is obviously to keep players interested, so that they keep on playing without getting bored with the same weapons and maps.

Splatoon 1Since the Ver. 2.0.0 update, new additions have been taking place only once a week (on Saturday morning / Friday evening, most of the time), as opposed to twice a week before the update. This week, it will be on Saturday morning (as usual), with a brand new weapon from the Roller family: the Carbon Roller Deco.

Unlike the other types of Rollers, this one doesn’t seem great for making paths, which is why the Sub and Special weapons (Seekers and Bomb Rush) are crucial: you will need to use them a lot in order to battle efficiently. Apparently, this weapon is great for players who like hit-and-run strategies!

Here’s some pictures for the Carbon Roller Deco:

  • Europe: 4AM
  • UK: 3AM
  • North America (EDT): 10PM (Friday evening)
  • North America (DPT): 7PM (Friday evening)
  • Japan: 11AM

Source: Nintendo


Splatfest are special 24 hour long events that take place regularly in Splatoon. During those, players have to answer a question (like “Do you prefer cats or dogs?”), before joining a team depending on their answer. At the end of each Splatfest, the team with the most points win, based on popularity and number of battles won.

Today, the Squid Research Lab announced that the sixth Splatfest would take place on October 10th and October 11th in Japan. And this time around, the theme is “Which do you prefer: Squid or Octopus?”. But we’re not talking about the animals here… but sushi! Indeed, this theme is actually “sponsored” by Kura-zushi, a famous chain of sushi restaurants in Japan.

Now, there’s something definitely unsettling about a bunch of Squids deciding how they’d like to be eaten!

Splatfest JP 6This Splatfest will take place on:

– Japan: October 10th (9AM) to October 11th (9AM)
– Europe: October 10th (2AM) to October 11th (2AM)
– UK: October 10th (1AM) to October 11th (1AM)
– North America (EDT): October 9th (8PM) to October 10th (8PM)
– North America (PDT): October 9th (5PM) to October 10th (5PM)

As usual, this Splatfest is only for players with a Japanese copy of Splatoon. The fourth European and North American Splatfest will most likely take place on October 17th/18th.

Splatfest JP 6 t-ShirtSource: Nintendo


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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