
The Snack World: Akihiro Hino teases a second series

Earlier today, the latest episode of the Snack World anime series aired in Japan. It was Episode 50, which also happens to be the very last episode. This may seem quite surprising as the Nintendo Switch version of the game came out just last week, but it turns out the anime series isn’t quite over yet…

Following the airing of Episode 50, the official Twitter account for the series announced that on May 2nd (5.55PM JST), a “new” series would debut, called The Snack World Daibouken Selection (lit. The Snack World: The Great Adventure Selection). Basically, a selection of episodes from the “first” series will air every week at a different timeslot.

Now, you may wondering why they’re not just re-airing the entire series, or even why they’re re-airing anything in the first place. After all, very few anime series are re-aired: only the biggest and most popular are, and generally not right after the original airing. This may be a sign that Level-5 has something up its sleeve.

Shortly after that announcement, Akihiro Hino (CEO of Level-5) confirmed that this wasn’t the end for The Snack World anime series, via the following tweet (loose translation):

This was the finale of The Snack World! Thank you everyone for your support! This may be the end for now, but The Snack World is endless! Please look forward to Part / Phase 2!

While this is not quite a proper announcement, and more like a teaser, it’s clear The Snack World series isn’t over yet. This means we can probably expect some announcements in the near future (most likely at the Level-5 Vision 2018 event, this Fall): new anime series, new game, and more. Hopefully, one of them will be a release of the game in Europe and North America!

Source: official Twitter account / Akihiro Hino (Twitter)


Founder and main writer for Perfectly Nintendo. Tried really hard to find something funny and witty to put here, but had to admit defeat.

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