Yo-kai Watch 3: direct-feed screenshots, artworks
On Saturday, Level-5 updated the official website for Yo-kai Watch 3: Sushi / Tempura with quite a lot of additional details about the game. If you want to learn more about the new gameplay features, the new Yo-kai to be found in the game (including those which are exclusive to a specific version), and more, please make sure to check out this (rather lengthy) post!
And on the same day, Nintendo posted a post on their official blog (Topics). It’s not nearly as detailed as the official website, but it does feature something not found on the website: direct-feed screenshots (and artworks). Those screenshots don’t show anything really new, as they’re all featured on the official website already. That being said, they allow us to get a better look at the game!
Here’s the screenshots:
There’s also artworks of the version-exclusive Yo-kai:
- Sushi: Otohime (Legend), KK Bros., Skyshariman, Origin, Kontan, Bunny * Mint, D-Rex, Akkerakan, Shireikan, Iiei (pun based on the word “Ie”, which means house in Japanese, and “yeah”), Yakionigiri, Yami Kyuubi, Otonagai, Onigirizamurai;
- Tempura: Ashura (Legend), Tomnyan, Batbouya (Bat Boy), Saki-chan, Kimete Maou, Zero Hakase, The * Shark, Speedee W, Ribone, Ponkotsu, Rainbone, Hikari Orochi, Urayameshi, Buraindon, Okiracoon.
Yo-kai Watch 3: Sushi / Tempura (3DS) comes out on July 16th in Japan.
Source: Nintendo